Master the Dynamic Duo Unleashing Yumi Sin’s Snake and Fit Kitty’s Abilities

How to handle his snake yumi sin and fit kitty

How to handle his snake yumi sin and fit kitty – Get ready to dominate the rift with the ultimate guide to handling Yumi Sin’s snake and Fit Kitty’s electrifying abilities. Whether you’re a seasoned pro or just starting your League journey, this comprehensive breakdown will elevate your gameplay and unlock the true potential of this dynamic duo.

Prepare to unravel the secrets of Yumi Sin’s serpentine companion and Fit Kitty’s feline finesse, as we delve into their strengths, synergies, and the art of overcoming any obstacles that come your way.

Yumi Sin’s Snake: How To Handle His Snake Yumi Sin And Fit Kitty


Yumi Sin’s snake is a versatile tool that can be used to harass opponents, set up kills, and escape ganks. It has a long range and can be used to poke enemies from a safe distance. The snake can also be used to scout for enemies and to check bushes.

However, the snake is relatively fragile and can be easily killed by enemy champions.


  • Long range
  • Can be used to harass opponents
  • Can be used to set up kills
  • Can be used to escape ganks
  • Can be used to scout for enemies


  • Relatively fragile
  • Can be easily killed by enemy champions

Tips and Strategies

  • Use the snake to harass opponents from a safe distance.
  • Use the snake to set up kills by poking enemies and forcing them to retreat.
  • Use the snake to escape ganks by creating a distraction or by blocking enemy skill shots.
  • Use the snake to scout for enemies by checking bushes and other areas of the map.
  • Be careful not to overextend with the snake, as it can be easily killed by enemy champions.

Fit Kitty’s Abilities

Fit Kitty, the newest member of the Yumi Sin family, is a versatile champion with a unique set of abilities that make her a formidable force on the battlefield. Her abilities allow her to deal damage, heal herself and her allies, and control the flow of battle.

Fit Kitty’s passive ability, Catnip, grants her bonus attack speed and movement speed when she is near an enemy champion. This makes her a great choice for chasing down enemies or escaping from ganks.

Fit Kitty’s Q ability, Kitty Cannon, is a skillshot that deals damage to enemies in a line. This ability can be used to poke enemies from a distance or to finish off low-health targets.

Fit Kitty’s W ability, Kitty Heal, is a targeted ability that heals herself or an allied champion. This ability can be used to keep herself or her allies alive in team fights or to sustain herself during laning phase.

Fit Kitty’s E ability, Kitty Dash, is a dash ability that allows her to quickly move around the battlefield. This ability can be used to engage enemies, escape from danger, or dodge skillshots.

Fit Kitty’s ultimate ability, Kitty Fury, is a powerful channeled ability that grants her bonus damage and attack speed. This ability can be used to quickly burst down enemies or to help her team win team fights.

Maximizing Fit Kitty’s Potential

Fit Kitty is a versatile champion who can be played in a variety of ways. She can be played as a top laner, a jungler, or a support. No matter where she is played, Fit Kitty’s unique set of abilities makes her a valuable asset to any team.

Yo, handling that snake Yumi Sin and that fit kitty ain’t easy, but if you want to up your game, check out this sick link how to increase insurance agent productivity . It’ll help you crush it in the insurance game and keep your snake and kitty in tip-top shape.

In the top lane, Fit Kitty can use her passive ability to harass her opponent and her Q ability to poke them from a distance. She can also use her W ability to sustain herself during laning phase and her E ability to escape from ganks.

In the jungle, Fit Kitty can use her Q ability to clear camps quickly and her E ability to gank enemy lanes. She can also use her W ability to heal herself after ganks or to sustain herself during the early game.

As a support, Fit Kitty can use her Q ability to poke enemies and her W ability to heal her allies. She can also use her E ability to engage enemies or to escape from danger.

Yo, if you’re tryna handle your snake Yumi Sin and get that kitty fit, it’s all about patience and consistency. But hold up, let’s talk real quick about how to boost insurance agent productivity. Check this out to learn some game-changing tips.

Now, back to the grind: train your snake Yumi Sin with treats and practice with your kitty to build that bond. It’s all about reps and rewards, fam.

No matter where she is played, Fit Kitty’s unique set of abilities makes her a valuable asset to any team. Her versatility and damage potential make her a great choice for players of all skill levels.

Yo, I’m a beast at handling my snake Yumi Sin and my fit kitty, but I’m also crushing it as an insurance agent. Check out this link how to increase insurance agent productivity to learn how I do it. With these tips, you’ll be slaying the competition and slithering your way to success, just like my Yumi Sin!

Synergies and Counters

How to handle his snake yumi sin and fit kitty

Yumi Sin and Fit Kitty make a formidable duo, with their combined abilities creating a potent synergy. Fit Kitty’s “Serpent’s Fang” grants Yumi Sin increased attack speed and mobility, allowing her to weave in and out of combat with ease.

In turn, Yumi Sin’s “Tempered Steel” grants Fit Kitty bonus armor and magic resistance, making it more durable and resilient in team fights.

Overcoming Counters, How to handle his snake yumi sin and fit kitty

One potential counter to the Yumi Sin/Fit Kitty combination is crowd control. Abilities that stun, root, or slow can disrupt their synergy and make it difficult for them to effectively engage or disengage. To overcome this, Yumi Sin can build items that provide crowd control reduction, such as “Quicksilver Sash” or “Mercury’s Treads.”

Yo, if you’re struggling to handle that slippery snake Yumi Sin and keep your kitty fit, check out this guide . It’s got mad tips to boost your productivity like a boss. Then, you can get back to whipping that serpent and making your cat purr like a champ!

Additionally, Fit Kitty can use its “Evasive Maneuvers” ability to dodge incoming crowd control effects.

Adapting to Team Compositions

The Yumi Sin/Fit Kitty combination can be adapted to different team compositions by adjusting their item builds and playstyles. Against teams with heavy crowd control, Yumi Sin should prioritize crowd control reduction items. Against teams with high burst damage, Fit Kitty should build items that provide bonus health and magic resistance.

Additionally, both champions can adjust their playstyles to focus on peeling for their carries or initiating fights, depending on the team’s needs.

Item Builds and Runes

How to handle his snake yumi sin and fit kitty

Choosing the right items and runes is crucial for maximizing Yumi Sin and Fit Kitty’s potential. Let’s dive into the optimal builds and rune setups for these champs.

Item Builds

  • Yumi Sin:For Yumi Sin, prioritize items that enhance her mobility and damage output. Core items include Luden’s Tempest, Sorcerer’s Shoes, and Horizon Focus. Consider Rabadon’s Deathcap for maximum burst damage or Banshee’s Veil for survivability against heavy AP teams.
  • Fit Kitty:Fit Kitty benefits from items that increase her sustain and teamfight presence. Core items include Moonstone Renewer, Staff of Flowing Water, and Redemption. Consider Chemtech Putrifier for anti-heal or Mikael’s Crucible to cleanse crowd control.


Runes provide additional bonuses that can tailor Yumi Sin and Fit Kitty’s playstyles to specific game modes and matchups.

Yumi Sin

  • Electrocute:This rune amplifies Yumi Sin’s burst damage, making it ideal for aggressive playstyles.
  • Dark Harvest:For sustained damage over time, Dark Harvest is a viable option, especially in extended team fights.
  • Arcane Comet:Arcane Comet provides poke damage and wave clear, suitable for matchups where Yumi Sin needs to maintain distance.

Fit Kitty

  • Summon Aery:This rune grants Fit Kitty bonus shielding and damage, enhancing her support capabilities.
  • Guardian:For increased protection, Guardian provides a shield for Fit Kitty and an ally when they are damaged.
  • Glacial Augment:Glacial Augment slows enemies on basic attacks and ability hits, helping Fit Kitty control engagements and peel for her team.

Gameplay Strategies

Dominating with Yumi Sin and Fit Kitty is all about synchronizing their strengths and minimizing their weaknesses. Their unique synergy requires a proactive and adaptable playstyle that leverages their combined damage output, mobility, and crowd control.

Lane Phase

  • Poke and Harass:Utilize Fit Kitty’s Q and Yumi Sin’s E to harass opponents from a distance, setting up potential kills or forcing them to retreat.
  • Jungle Control:Yumi Sin’s passive and Fit Kitty’s W grant them excellent jungle clear speed. Prioritize controlling objectives and securing buffs to gain an early advantage.
  • Roaming:With their combined mobility, Yumi Sin and Fit Kitty can roam to other lanes, creating pressure and ganking opportunities.

Team Fights

  • Focus Fire:Coordinate attacks with Yumi Sin’s ult and Fit Kitty’s W to burst down high-priority targets.
  • Peel and Disruption:Use Fit Kitty’s E and Yumi Sin’s Q to peel for allies and disrupt enemy formations.
  • Flank and Engage:Take advantage of Yumi Sin’s mobility to flank enemies and engage from unexpected angles.

Objective Control

  • Secure Dragon and Baron:Their high damage and crowd control make them a potent force in objective fights. Focus on securing these objectives to gain map control and team buffs.
  • Split Pushing:Yumi Sin’s global presence and Fit Kitty’s wave clear allow them to effectively split push and create pressure across the map.
  • Counter Jungle:With their mobility and vision control, they can invade enemy jungle and steal camps, denying the enemy resources and slowing their progress.


So, there you have it! The key to unlocking the full potential of Yumi Sin and Fit Kitty lies in understanding their unique abilities, mastering the synergies between them, and adapting your strategies to conquer any challenge. Embrace the power of the snake and the kitty, and become an unstoppable force on the battlefield.

General Inquiries

Q: What are the best item builds for Yumi Sin and Fit Kitty?

A: Optimal item builds depend on your playstyle and the game mode. For Yumi Sin, consider items like Infinity Edge and Lord Dominik’s Regards. For Fit Kitty, prioritize items that enhance her survivability and damage output, such as Rod of Ages and Rabadon’s Deathcap.

Q: How do I counter the Yumi Sin/Fit Kitty combination?

A: Champions with crowd control abilities and high burst damage can effectively counter this duo. Consider champions like Morgana, Leona, or Zed.

Q: What are the key strategies for maximizing their impact in team fights?

A: In team fights, focus on positioning Yumi Sin’s snake to disrupt enemy formations and protect your carries. Utilize Fit Kitty’s abilities to engage or disengage, and prioritize targets with low mobility.

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About the Author: Jason